Acoustics in Practice (Acoust. pract.) is an open access electronic journal free to read but with contributions limited to authors from EAA society members.
The journal audience is those practicing in the fields of acoustics, noise and vibration.
Readers and contributors are expected to be practitioners: these include consultants, manufacturers, policy makers and regulators.
The papers will not be peer reviewed, but will be reviewed by an editor.
Upon receipt of a manuscript the paper will be reviewed by a member of the editorial board or a person nominated by the editor in chief who has appropriate expertise. This reviewer will check that
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All manuscripts shall be submitted electronically as Word files written in (British) English.
The files should be prepared on A4 page format with a single column of text.
Font shall be Times 12 point.
The title page shall include:
The text of the paper should start on a new page, followed by any acknowledgements, references and appendices.
There is no restriction on the length of the paper, but as a guide it should be between 4 and 10 pages including all illustrations when printed.
Illustrations (tables, graphs, photographs, etc) must be embedded in the text (to provide a reference layout for the publisher). In each case a title must be included with each illustration. All illustrations must be prepared to be suitable for both on-screen reading via web and printing via a downloadable pdf. Files can be submitted as jpeg or gif files and shall be prepared at 300 ppi.
All illustrations (tables, graphs, figures, photographs, etc.) must be submitted in separates files from the text.
References should be listed and numbered in order of appearance ([1], [2] …).
For each submission, the following information must also be provided
When ready, send your contribution to: eaa /at/ euracoustics /dot/ org
Examples of topics discussed in Acoustics in Practice are: