Acta Acustica Topical Issue: “Development of European Acoustics in 20th Century”

Fri 21 Jun 2024

Editors of the topical issue

Joachim Scheuren, Müller-BBM, Munich Germany, Guest Editor

Michel Villot, AA Associate Editor

Provisional timeline

Article submission deadline: January 31, 2025

First round of review: March 31, 2025

Special issue publication: June 30,2025


A topical issue titled “Development of European Acoustics in 20th Century” will be published in Acta Acustica, the Journal of the European Acoustics Association, by June 2025. The topic aims at identifying relevant European contributors from research institutions and companies, and reviewing their respective achievements which, in the end, have contributed to make Acoustics an indispensable interdisciplinary field for the quality of our life. Reviewing Acoustics from a historical perspective helps us not only be aware and assess the great achievements which today are the basis of this important and powerful discipline, but also better understand how the links between research institutions and companies have contributed to the development of the knowledge. The topic of this issue corresponds to the topic of the structured session “Activities in acoustics of European research centers and companies during the 20th century” organized at Forum Acusticum (FA) 2023, the 10th Convention of the European Acoustics Association. Among the presenters, a limited number are willing to improve and extend their papers (see requirements below) and submit an article on the acoustic activities of their institution to AA. The articles will be in the category “Technical and Applied Articles”. Moreover, some European centers, absent at the FA conference, have been identified and asked to complement this AA special issue by new papers. The special issue may be further complemented by the results of this present call.


For the submission visit the Acta Acustica website.

Article Processing Charge

The article processing charge for Acta Acustica is €1000 in 2024, but you may be eligible for financial support.

Details can be found here.

Note: The authors can be financially supported by the European Acoustical Association, but also by their national acoustical association.


AA guidelines for submitting an extended FA conference paper:

  • The submission needs to be significantly extended from the original conference paper, with additional material included and an extended literature review, in order to end up with typically 8-12 pages (final typeset length);
  • The extended conference paper needs to be a strong review article with a broader scope and interest than the conference presentation (see Editor’s guidelines below);
  • The authors should indicate that their contribution is an improvement, or extension to their previously published conference paper. The conference paper should be cited in the reference list and throughout the research article.
  • The normal peer review process of the journal will apply.

Editor’s guidelines (valid for extended FA papers and new papers):

The article aims at reviewing Acoustics from a historical perspective to help us not only be aware and assess the great achievements which today are the basis of this discipline, but also better understand how the links between research institutions and compagnies have contributed to the development of the knowledge

The papers presented at the FA 2023 conference can be downloaded from the conference site as examples. Note: these papers have only been reviewed “lightly” and their quality is under their authors’ responsibility.

The main researchers and engineers that have inspired and guided the activities of the institution should be clearly identified; pictures of these people in the text will be appreciated.

The paper should also clearly identify other centers (and their research domain), with whom the institution has cooperated or from whom the institution has got its knowledge; the corresponding literature review should be given.

The time to review the 20th century seems to be most appropriate because influential actors of the second half of that century are (hopefully) still available to share their experience; their contribution to the writing of the paper will be greatly appreciated.

Please submit your articles to the Special Issue via the submission system of Acta Acustica, here, before January 31 2025