EAA Awards 2023 - Prof. Dr. Peter Lercher Honored for Lifetime Achievements in Acoustics

Mon 09 Oct 2023

The European Acoustics Association (EAA) is delighted to recognize the exceptional contributions of Prof. Dr. Peter Lercher, a distinguished researcher with a diverse background encompassing general medicine, hygiene, social medicine, and environmental health. Dr. Lercher's journey in the field of acoustics has been marked by unwavering dedication and significant achievements.

With a Master of Public Health degree in Public Health Epidemiology from Chapel Hill, NC, Dr. Lercher's academic journey laid a solid foundation for his pioneering work in acoustics. He has served as an Associate Professor for Social Medicine at the Medical University of Innsbruck, where he later assumed the role of Director of the Division of Social Medicine. In 2018, his excellence was acknowledged with the title of Distinguished Lecturer at TU Graz.

Dr. Lercher's contributions extend globally, with notable roles as a chair and co-chair for the International Commission on the Biological Effects of Noise (ICBEN) and active participation in international projects, including COST, PAN - EEC Concerted Action on Protection against Noise, and NOPHER - Noise Pollution Health Effects Reduction. He has been a key investigator in multi-method studies within the framework of EHIAs, emphasizing the integrated assessment of noise, air pollution, quality of life, and health.

His influence extends to the World Health Organization (WHO), where he served as a temporary advisor for critical projects related to noise and air pollution exposure and health effects. Dr. Lercher's dedication to the field has earned him several prestigious awards, including the Konrad-Lorenz-Preis in 1989 and Austria's highest environmental prize, the Thomas Kuhn Honor pin in Gold in 2002. His prolific research has resulted in over 200 published articles in the domain of human health and the acoustic environment.

The EAA is proud to honour Prof. Dr. Peter Lercher with the 2023 EAA Award for Lifetime Achievements in Acoustics.

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